January 2022 Archives
- COVID Update Email - January 5, 2022
Updated MDH Vaccination Bulletin; Maryland Department of Health COVID-19 Update Webinars; MedChi and our colleagues are advocating for the reinstatement of mask mandates; MedChi is working closely with the Maryland Department of Health to share a dashboard for physicians to check availability of Molnupiravir and Paxlovid prior to sending in prescriptions; Of the three monoclonal antibody therapies stocked in Maryland, only sotrovimab retains activity against omicron, The new Evusheld long-acting antibody is now available for moderately to severely immunocompromised patients over age 12; Updates from Governor Hogan; CMS released updated guidance on the Omnibus COVID-19 Health Care Staff Vaccination Interim Final Rule; FDA shared information on the impact of virus mutations on the reliability of COVID-19 tests; Pfizer-BionTech has been granted FDA approval for booster shots for children ages 12-16; CDC updated its recommendation for Pfizer-BioNTech boosters to 5 months, Moderna is still 6 months, and Johnson & Johnson is 2 months; MedChi Members Receive 5% Discount on All PPE and COVID Tests From Agility DGS.
December 2021 Archives
- COVID Update Email - December 1
Register for today's Maryland Department of Health COVID-19 update - Tonight's discussions will include information on the new Omicron variant; Maryland Primary Care Program shared a Triple Play Strategy for COVID-19 vaccines, testing, and therapeutics; When Molnupiravir oral therapeutics become available, MedChi will share a dashboard for physicians outlining its availability at pharmacies across the state; Pfizer and Moderna emergency use authorizations were updated on November 19 to allow for vaccine booster shots for all adults.
November 2021 Archives
- COVID Update Email - November 17
Maryland Department of Health and Maryland Primary Care Program COVID-19 call will NOT be held today. Instead, it will be held tomorrow, November 18, 2021; Maryland Department of Health released a new therapeutics update; HHS announced the availability of $25.5 Billion in provider relief funding; The White House released fact sheet on the administration's vaccine mandates.
October 2021 Archives
- COVID Update Email - October 20
Maryland Department of Health and Maryland Primary Care Program, in cooperation with MedChi as the provider of CME credits, will continue to provide regular COVID-19 updates to share information and answer your questions; Maryland State Department of Health media advisory on COVID-19 testing and vaccinations through October 24.
- COVID Update Email - October 6
The Maryland Department of Health and Maryland Primary Care Program, in cooperation with MedChi as the provider of CME credits, will continue to provide regular COVID-19 updates to share information and answer your questions; Maryland Department of Health: a resource center has been developed to share information about monoclonal antibody treatment for COVID-19 symptoms; The Department of Health of Human Services (HHS) and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) have announced a new application cycle for $25.5 billion in Phase 4 COVID-19 provider relief funding.
September 2021 Archives
- COVID Update Email - September 8
All Maryland physicians are invited and encouraged to participate in the Maryland Health Department/Maryland Primary Care Program COVID-19 Update Webinars; MedChi and Merritt Hawkins have launched a new and improved Physician Compensation Survey that we encourage you to complete; MedChi is moving forward with planning our fall events; American Medical Association has joined with American Pharmacists Association and the American Society of Health Systems Pharmacists to strongly oppose the ordering, prescribing, or dispensing of invermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19 outside of a clinical trial; If you received provider relief funds in excess of $10,000 between April 10 and June 30, 2020, you must report on the use of those funds by September 30, 2021; Maryland Department of Health has issued clinical guidance for the additional use for the COVID-19 monoclonal antibody therapeutic REGEN-COV to include post-exposure prophylaxis; Pfizer will be hosting “Medical Updates: Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, also known as COMIRNATY®,” on Tuesdays, at 5pm ET and Thursday’s at 12pm ET for the remainder of 2021.
August 2021 Archives
- COVID Update Email - August 25
All Maryland physicians are invited and encouraged to participate in Dr. Haft's calls. Topics will include vaccine program updates; COVID-19 variants; testing; long COVID-19; monoclonal antibodies; and the long-term outlook for the pandemic; MedChi will resume our biweekly emails to ensure that you have the registration link for Dr. Haft's calls; Here's what you need to know from the CDC and from the Maryland Department of Health about the 3rd dose of vaccines; Maryland Board of Physicians has recently updated its telehealth information; MedChi is moving forward with planning our fall events (Orioles game social event; Presidential Gala; and Fall House of Delegates meeting), every precaution will be taken to ensure the safety and health of our attendees.
June 2021 Archives
- COVID Update Email - June 23
After 15 months of providing you with regular updates, today marks our final COVID-19 email. It's been a true honor to serve as your resource through this unique and challenging time, and we will continue to be here for whatever you need; Maryland Department of Health will hold its final COVID-19 update webinar this evening at 5:00-6:30 pm. Dr. Howard Haft will be joined by the former US Surgeon General Jermone Adams, MD, and primary care physician Julio Menocal, MD; As we move closer to the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel, let's continue to encourage patients, friends, family, and neighbors to get vaccinated. Join a "House Call Phone Bank" or final another way to participate in the national month of action.
COVID Update Email - June 9
Friday, June 11 from 3:00-4:00 pm, the White House COVID Response Team will host a live town hall on "Primary Care Providers, Health Systems, and the Next Phase of the Vaccination Rollout."; Tuesday Cook, MD, represented MedChi's IDEA Task Force on a White House town hall event, "The Colors of COVID: Barbershop & Salon Talk Vaccines."; We are returning to in-person (and hybrid) events!; As we can now focus more on non-COVID health concerns, please make sure your patients (especially those who are uninsured or underinsured) are aware of the Maryland Rx Card program for prescription drug discounts; Monoclonal antibody therapy is available for patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 and are at high risk for hospitalization or decompensation. FirstCall Medical Center in Anne Arundel County provides treatment and information for qualified patients.
May 2021 Archives
COVID Update Email - May 26
Here's the link for today's MDH call: Wednesday, May 26, 5:00-6:30 pm.; Monoclonal antibody therapy is available for patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 and are at high risk for hospitalization or decompensation. FirstCall Medical Center in Anne Arundel County provides treatment and information for qualified patients; Vaccine Updates
- COVID Update Email - May 12
The Maryland Department of Health and Maryland Primary Care Program have developed vaccine communication tools for you and your patients; CMS has launched vaccines.gov, a central hub for finding COVID-19 vaccines; CMS has announced an increase in the Medicare payment rate for monoclonal antibody treatment. Effective May 6, the national average payment rate will increase from $310 to $450 for most health care settings. CMS will also establish a higher national payment rate of $750 when monoclonal antibodies are administered in the beneficiary’s home.
April 2021 Archives
COVID Update Email - April 28
MedChi Vaccine Update; On April 16, the FDA revoked the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for bamlanivimab, when administered alone, due to a sustained increase in COVID-19 viral variants in the U.S. that are resistant to this antibody therapy. The FDA determined that the known and potential benefits of bamlanivimab, when administered alone, no longer outweigh the known and potential risks.
COVID Update Email - April 14
Sign up to become a vaccinator; Review the CMS vaccine provider toolkit; Read the CDC and FDA joint statement on the Johnson & Johnson vaccine; As part of the American Rescue Plan of 2021, FEMA has announced a funeral assistance program for victims of COVID-19; MedChi had a successful legislative session advocating on behalf of you and your patients.
March 2021 Archives
- COVID Update Email - March 31
Starting in April, the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) COVID-19 Updates will be held every two weeks. MedChi will follow suit and send these COVID-19 email updates every two weeks as well; CMS has up-to-date resources and materials to help you share important and relevant information on the COVID-19 vaccine with the people that you serve; According to a recent CMS survey, many Medicare beneficiaries reported forgoing non-COVID-19 care such as regular check-ups or medical screening tests due to the pandemic. A recent CMS data analysis also showed a significant decline in service use for Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) beneficiaries, particularly for mental health and substance use disorders; Providers can learn how and when to use telehealth. Topics include how to set up telehealth services, how to conduct a successful visit, and how to keep up to date on telehealth payment (particularly for Medicare and Medicaid); Governor Hogan announced an accelerated timeline for vaccine eligibility; Montgomery County will have a new mass vaccination site to distribute large quantities of COVID-19 vaccinations at the Germantown campus of Montgomery College starting the week of April 5.
- COVID Update Email - March 24
Starting in April, the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) COVID-19 Updates will be held every two weeks. MedChi will follow suit and send these COVID-19 email updates every two weeks as well; Governor Hogan announced that primary care practices throughout Maryland are joining the state’s vaccination effort, administering vaccines directly to vulnerable populations they serve; A video from MedChi CEO Gene Ransom encouraging physicians to sign up to be COVID vaccinators; Gene Ransom was interviewed on WBAL's C4 and Bryan Nehman podcast about vaccine administration in private practices; MedChi opposes House Bill 182 (HB 182) and Senate Bill 169 (SB 169) titled ‘Health Occupations - Podiatric Physicians’ in both the House and Senate of the Maryland General Assembly. Please send an alert to your Maryland State Senator urging them to oppose SB 169 right now.
COVID Update Email - March 17
MedChi Member Ron Elfenbein, MD, was interviewed on CBS News about his urgent care center's monoclonal antibody infusion practice; The Montgomery County Medical Society's COVID-19 Vaccine Toolkit includes an outline of the six steps that medical practices need to take now to ensure readiness to serve as vaccinators; Biden-Harris Administration nearly doubled Medicare payment for administration of the COVID-19 vaccine to $40 per administration; The Physicians' Foundation has released its 2020 Survey of America's Physicians: COVID-19 Impact Edition. The three-part survey focused on the pandemic's impact on physician practices and patients, its impact on physician well-being, and outlooks for the future.
- COVID Update Email - March 10
Is Your Practice Ready to Vaccinate the Public? Join us for Episode 3 of MedChi's Vaccine Series on Tuesday, March 16 at 5:00 pm.; We know that vaccine confidence can be significantly impacted by conversations between physicians and their patients. To ensure that your patients have the information they need, check out the CDC's vaccine communication toolkit; See Maryland's latest vaccine data; If you are interested in volunteering as a vaccinator in Maryland's mass vaccine sites, please sign up for the state's medical reserve corps; Purchase PPE through MedChi's group buying program.
- COVID Update Email - March 3
Governor Larry Hogan made several major announcements this week: Mass vaccination sites will be opened this month in Western and Southern Maryland and on the Eastern Shore; Former CDC Director Robert Redfield will serve as the Governor's COVID-19 senior advisor; The Baltimore Convention Center mass vaccination site will launch a pilot program to ensure vaccine prioritization for vulnerable populations; Read the state's latest bulletin for vaccine providers; Maryland Department of Health has developed a behavioral health resource guide for students and young adults coping with pandemic-related mental health concerns; Purchase PPE through MedChi's group buying program.
February 2021 Archives
COVID Update Email - February 24
Join us on February 25 for The Colors of COVID-19: A Black History Month Webinar with Dr. Michael Osterholm; Join Luma Health on March 4 for a webinar on "COVID-19 Vaccines: What Physicians Need to Know and Best Practices for Deployment."; In late December, the AMA released a COVID-19 Vaccine Messaging Guide. The organization recently made a few updates and adjustments to this guide, including publishing this resource online and translating this information into Spanish, to make it more broadly available to those who may benefit from this compilation of messaging; Purchase PPE through MedChi's group buying program. Use the discount code MEDCHI-SAVE5 to get the member discount.
COVID Update Email - February 17
Maryland Department of Health Full COVID-19 Update - Wednesday, February 17; Join Sandra Crouse Quinn, PhD, and a panel of your physician peers, to discuss strategies in addressing vaccine confidence in patients on February 23; Join us February 25 for The Colors of COVID-19: A Black History Month Webinar with Dr. Michael Osterholm; Join Luma Health on March 4, for a webinar on "COVID-19 Vaccines: What Physicians Need to Know and Best Practices for Deployment."; The AMA released a COVID-19 Vaccine Messaging Guide and recently made a few updates and adjustments to this guide, including publishing this resource online and translating this information into Spanish, to make it more broadly available to those who may benefit from this compilation of messaging; Purchase PPE through MedChi's group buying program. Use the discount code MEDCHI-SAVE5 to get the member discount.
COVID Update Email - February 10
On Thursday, February 11, MedChi is partnering with the Maryland Department of Health's Behavioral Health Administration to present "Balancing Work and Parenting," a program designed to support health care professionals during COVID-19; HHS issued warnings of COVID-19 testing and vaccine scammers; Maryland is in Phase 1C of the vaccine distribution plan, including residents 65 and over, as well as critical workers in high-risk settings. Supply remains very limited: while federal guidelines make 2 million Marylanders eligible, the state is only receiving 12,000 first doses per day. The state’s first mass vaccination sites are now open at the Baltimore Convention Center and Six Flags America in Prince George’s County; Purchase PPE through MedChi's group buying program. Use the discount code MEDCHI-SAVE5 to get the member discount.
- COVID Update Email - February 3
On Thursday, February 11, MedChi is partnering with the Maryland Department of Health's Behavioral Health Administration to present "Balancing Work and Parenting," a program designed to support health care professionals during COVID-19; Prepare your primary care practice for vaccine administration; Vaccine update from Governor Larry Hogan; New CARES Act Provider Relief Fund Resources; MedChi recently joined a national group buying program founded by the South Carolina Medical Society that allows our members to purchase PPE at a discounted rate. The list of supplies includes Honeywell H910 Plus N95 Respirators, gloves, gowns, face shields, and hand sanitizer. Click here and use the discount code MEDCHI-SAVE5 to get the member discount.
January 2021 Archives
COVID Update Email - January 27
MedChi is partnering with the Maryland Department of Health's Behavioral Health Administration to present a series of CME webinars designed to support health care professionals; COVID Collaborative is hosting a Fireside Chat with Dr. Anthony Fauci; A recording is available of Montgomery County Medical Society's recent program PPP 2.0: Summary and Update on the Omnibus Government and COVID-19 Relief Funding Bill; MedChi joined a national group buying program founded by the South Carolina Medical Society that allows our members to purchase PPE at a discounted rate. The list of supplies includes Honeywell H910 Plus N95 Respirators, gloves, gowns, face shields, and hand sanitizer; Maryland Department of Health is actively encouraging physicians and patients to consider monoclonal antibody treatment, which has been shown to reduce the severity of symptoms and prevent hospitalization in people with mild or moderate symptoms of COVID-19; Maryland Insurance Commissioner Kathleen A. Birrane issued a reminder to all Marylanders that patients cannot be billed for COVID-19 vaccinations; AMA has provided a fact sheet for patients on vaccines. The CDC has also provided a wealth of tools for communicating vaccine confidence to your patients; Learn the science about anaphylactic reactions to the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine; MedChi is collaborating with state medical societies across the country on a short survey to ascertain clinician’s knowledge of and access to COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics.
COVID Update Email - January 20
*Today’s email contains proprietary information for physicians only and will be made available upon request by contacting members@medchi.org.
COVID Update Email - January 13
*Today’s email contains proprietary information for physicians only and will be made available upon request by contacting members@medchi.org.
- COVID Update Email - January 6
*Today’s email contains proprietary information for physicians only and will be made available upon request by contacting members@medchi.org.
December 2020 Archives
COVID Update Email - December 30
We know that many physicians who are not "frontline" workers or employed by health systems are wondering how and when they will receive the COVID-19 vaccine. We have not yet received detailed guidance beyond the information we shared last week, but we are closely monitoring the developments and will share the information you need as soon as we have it; Maryland Department of Health COVID-19 Update Call will be held today, Wednesday, December 30, 5:00-6:00pm; This week's MedChi News, our member email newsletter, includes more COVID-19 updates; Open access to MedChi resources for nonmembers will end on January 1, 2021. To ensure that you can continue to access our services, and to support our advocacy on behalf of all physicians, we encourage all nonmembers to join today.
COVID Update Email - December 23
There will NOT be any MDH COVID-19 update calls held today; The next calls will be held on Monday, December 28, 5:30-6:00pm, and Wednesday, December 30, 5:00-6:00pm; January 7, 2021, 6:00-7:30pm, a community discussion about COVID-19 vaccines will be held; This week's MedChi News, our member email newsletter, includes an overview of vaccine FAQs that you might find helpful; On December 18, 2020, the FDA issued an Emergency Use Authorization for the Moderna COVID‑19 Vaccine. Review Moderna’s Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers Administering Vaccine regarding the limitations of authorized use; HHS has begun distribution of over $24 billion in Phase 3 Provider Relief Funding. Another $3 billion has been allocated by Congress in the most recent COVID-19 relief legislation, and this disbursement comes with new requirements. MedChi will monitor this new development and ensure you have the information you need as it becomes available.
COVID Update Email - December 16
We are working closely with the Maryland Department of Health and have been assured that physicians and other health workers are in Phase 1 of the distribution. But we also know you want to see your patients vaccinated soon, too; Summary of Governor Hogan's latest vaccine press conference; Maryland Department of Health weekly COVID-19 update call will be held today, Wednesday, December 16 at 5:00 pm; There will NOT be any MDH COVID-19 update calls held next week. The next calls will be held on Monday, December 28, 5:30-6:00pm, and Wednesday, December 30, 5:00-6:00pm; Read the FDA's Emergency Use Authorization for Pfizer-BioNTech's vaccine; Review Pfizer-BioNTech's vaccine fact sheet for health care workers; CMS has provided updates on the vaccine CPT code structure; Montgomery County Medical Society compiled infection control FAQs with help from the Maryland Occupational Safety and Health Administration; Maryland Insurance Administration has issued a new bulletin outlining charges for enhanced infection control and PPE; This week's MedChi News, our member email newsletter, includes more COVID-19 updates.
COVID Update Email - December 9
Yesterday, Governor Hogan held a press conference to update Marylanders on the impending COVID-19 vaccine deployment, and we wanted to share a summary with you; Maryland Department of Health weekly COVID-19 update call will be held today, Wednesday, December 9 at 5:00 pm; December 9, at 6:00 pm, UMMS is holding a program on COVID-19 vaccine trials and the emergency use authorization process; MedChi is partnering with the Maryland Department of Health's Behavioral Health Administration to present a series of CME webinars designed to support health care professionals; As a reminder, open access to MedChi resources for nonmembers will end on January 1, 2021. To ensure that you can continue to access our services, and to support our advocacy on behalf of all physicians, we encourage all nonmembers to join today.
- COVID Update Email - December 2
Governor Hogan held a press conference to update Marylanders on the COVID-19 pandemic; The Maryland Department of Health weekly COVID-19 update call will be held today, Wednesday, December 2 at 5:00 pm; MedChi will host Addiction Treatment in the Time of COVID-19 on December 7 at 5:00 pm; Maryland Department of Health will hold a "flash briefing" on the COVID-19 surge on Monday, December 7 at 5:30 pm; MedChi is partnering with the Maryland Department of Health's Behavioral Health Administration to present a series of CME webinars designed to support health care professionals.
November 2020 Archives
- COVID Update Email - November 25
At MedChi's request, Governor Larry Hogan has declared Thanksgiving Day 2020 as "Health Care Champions Day."; Governor Hogan has announced an "All-Hands-on-Deck COVID-19 Compliance and Enforcement Operation."; Check out this week's MedChi News, our digital newsletter for MedChi members; There will NOT be a Maryland Department of Health (MDH) call held this evening. The regular schedule of Wednesday calls will resume next week; On Monday, November 30, at 5:30 pm, MDH will hold a special Flash Briefing and Q&A to assist physicians through the ongoing COVID-19 surge; Baltimore City Medical Society will host "COVID and the Creation of a Field Hospital at the Baltimore Convention Center: An Ongoing Experience" on December 1 at 6:00 pm.; MedChi will host Addiction Treatment in the Time of COVID-19 on December 7 at 5:00 pm.; MedChi is partnering with the Maryland Department of Health's Behavioral Health Administration to present a series of CME webinars designed to support health care professionals.
- COVID Update Email - November 18
Governor Hogan has announced a set of new public emergency orders; The AMA released vaccine-specific CPT codes for coronavirus immunizations; Check out this week's MedChi News, our digital newsletter for MedChi members; Register for today's Maryland Department of Health all-physician call at 5:00 pm.; Join BCMA and BCMA today, November 18, at 6:00 pm for a lecture on COVID-19 vaccine development; Baltimore City Medical Society will host "COVID and the Creation of a Field Hospital at the Baltimore Convention Center: An Ongoing Experience" on December 1 at 6:00 pm.; MedChi will host Addiction Treatment in the Time of COVID-19 on December 7 at 5:00 pm.; MedChi is partnering with the Maryland Department of Health's Behavioral Health Administration to present a series of CME webinars designed to support health care professionals; Dr. Anthony Fauci offered his 2021 forecast in an exclusive interview with the AMA.
- COVID Update Email - November 11
Join CMS for "COVID-19 Office Hours" on Tuesday, November 17 at 5:00 pm and learn more about increased hospital capacity, workforce expansion, patient needs, and telehealth; Join BCMA and BCMA on November 18 at 6:00 pm for a lecture on COVID-19 vaccine development; Baltimore City Medical Society will host "COVID and the Creation of a Field Hospital at the Baltimore Convention Center: An Ongoing Experience" on December 1 at 6:00 pm.; MedChi will host Addiction Treatment in the Time of COVID-19 on December 7 at 5:00 pm.; Governor Hogan announced a series of renewed mitigation efforts aimed at addressing the alarming rise in coronavirus cases in Maryland; During MedChi's annual meeting, a report on MedChi's efforts to serve as your advocate and resource during the pandemic was shared; Dr. Anthony Fauci offered his 2021 forecast in an exclusive interview with the AMA; Check out this week's MedChi News, our digital newsletter for MedChi members; AMA issues summary of survey results regarding COVID-19 physician practice financial impacts.
COVID Update Email - November 4
MedChi's Fall House of Delegates Meeting on November 7 will feature a CME program focused on discussing national survey results on the physician response to COVID-19; MedChi will host Addiction Treatment in the Time of COVID-19 on November 11 at 5:00 pm.; AMA President Susan R. Bailey, MD, issued a strong repudiation of misinformation and disinformation campaigns surrounding COVID-19 and called for an end to verbal assaults on physicians; The AMA issued a summary of survey results regarding COVID-19 physician practice financial impacts; Check out this week's MedChi News. This week, we focused on updates from the state's vaccine workgroup; The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) released a final rule implementing provisions of the 21st Century Cures Act related to electronic health information blocking, interoperability and the ONC Health IT Certification Program.
October 2020 Archives
COVID Update Email - October 27
American Medical Association members are invited to join the AMA tomorrow, October 29 at 1:00 pm for a kickoff event for the CDC's Project Firstline national infection control training collaborative for all healthcare workers; MedChi's Fall House of Delegates Meeting on November 7 will feature a CME program focused on discussing national survey results on the physician response to COVID-19; MedChi will host Addiction Treatment in the Time of COVID-19 on November 11 at 5:00 pm; The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology released a final rule implementing provisions of the 21st Century Cures Act related to electronic health information blocking, interoperability and the ONC Health IT Certification Program; Maryland Department of Health issued a notice asking clinicians to consider tuberculosis (TB) in the differential diagnostic work up of individuals who are at high risk for either TB or SARs-CoV-2 infection, and/or who present with respiratory symptoms common to both; HHS announced an expansion of relief fund eligibility to include a broader range of practitioner and facility applicants; Maryland Secretary of Health Robert Neall requested that MedChi appoint a member to serve on MDH's SARS-COV-2 Vaccine Technical Advisory Group. We have proudly appointed our Public Health Committee Chair, Richard Bruno, MD, to serve on this advisory group, and we appreciate the opportunity to provide the state with support and expertise in this critical endeavor; Check out this week's MedChi News, our digital newsletter for MedChi members; Maryland Department of Health submitted its COVID-19 Vaccination Plan to the CDC.
- COVID Update Email - October 21
MedChi's Fall House of Delegates Meeting on November 7 will feature a CME program focused on discussing national survey results on the physician response to COVID-19; MedChi will host Addiction Treatment in the Time of COVID-19 on November 11 at 5:00 pm.; The Maryland Department of Health submitted its COVID-19 Vaccination Plan to the CDC; CMS has expanded its list of telehealth services covered by Medicare Fee-for-Service and CHIP; Check out this week's MedChi News; New funding is available from the HHS CARES Act Provider Relief Fund. Applications will be accepted through November 6 and will be considered regardless of whether your practice applied for, received, or was rejected for previous funds. Learn more here, and please reach out to us if you need any support in applying for these funds.
COVID Update Email - October 14
One of MedChi's first actions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic was to open all services and resources to every Maryland physician, regardless of membership status. We wanted to ensure that you have all the information and support you needed to address this public health crisis. Open access for nonmembers will end on January 1, 2021. To ensure that you can continue to access our services, and to support our advocacy on behalf of all physicians, we encourage all nonmembers to join today; MedChi's Fall House of Delegates Meeting on November 7 will feature a CME program focused on discussing national survey results on the physician response to COVID-19; MedChi will host Addiction Treatment in the Time of COVID-19 on November 11 at 5:00 pm.; Check out this week's MedChi News. This week's edition featured details on CMS' loan repayment extension; New funding is available from the HHS CARES Act Provider Relief Fund. Apply through November 6. Applications will be considered regardless of whether your practice applied for, received, or was rejected for previous funds.
COVID Update Email - October 7
There will not be a Maryland Department of Health all-physician call today; MedChi will host Addiction Treatment in the Time of COVID-19 on November 11 at 5:00 pm.; Check out this week's MedChi News, our digital newsletter for MedChi members; The Washington Post discussed physicians who are retiring because of the pandemic's impact on their practice and profiled MedChi Past President Stephen Rockower, MD; The Wall Street Journal addressed concerning reductions in insurance payments for telehealth.
COVID Special Alert Email - October 1
Special economic alert announcing the next rounds of HHS CARES Act Provider Relief Fund disbursements.
September 2020 Archives
- COVID Update Email - September 30
Register for today's Maryland Department of Health all-physician call; Baltimore and Harford County Medical Associations will host a COVID-19 State Law and Legislative Update; Montgomery County Medical Society members are invited to COVID, Kids & Cocktails: Physician Parenting during the Pandemic on October 7 at 6:30 pm; Check out this week's MedChi News, our digital newsletter for MedChi members; MedChi collaborated with Merritt Hawkins on a survey that has shed light on the mental health impact of COVID-19 on the physician population; CareFirst announced the extension of coverage for COVID-19 testing, treatment, and member-initiated phone consultations.
COVID Update Email - September 23
Physicians: What is Your Prescription for the Health System? We highly encourage you to contribute to this 3-minute Physicians Foundation survey on COVID-19 and our health care system; Check out this week's MedChi News, our digital newsletter for MedChi members; HHS shared new Provider Relief Fund guidelines; Montgomery County Medical Society issued a statement in support of the county's health officer, Travis Gales; CMS announced new guidance for safe nursing home visitation; MedChi has facilitated telehealth grants and wants to ensure that upcoming deadlines are not missed.
COVID Update Email - September 16
Physicians: What is Your Prescription for the Health System? We highly encourage you to contribute to this 3-minute Physicians Foundation survey on COVID-19 and our health care system; Check out this week's MedChi News, our digital newsletter for MedChi members.
COVID Update Email - September 9
MedChi hosting a CME program on COVID-19 and obesity on September 17; MedChi's Committee on Ethics & Judicial Affairs and the Center For a Healthy Maryland will present “Lessons Learned: Ethical Dilemmas Faced During The COVID-19 Pandemic” on Thursday, September 24 at 6:00 pm.; Governor Larry Hogan has renewed Maryland's state of emergency. The September 8 order provides new allowances for safe voting centers for the November 3 elections. The order reiterates that health care providers acting in good faith have immunity protections as outlined under the Public Safety Article of the Maryland Code.
COVID Update Email - September 2
Governor Larry Hogan held a press conference to announce that the state is now ready to enter Stage 3 of reopening reflected in the Administration’s Plan for Recovery. He summarized his previous press conference related to his administration's and MSDE’s strong recommendation that all school jurisdictions should have a plan for students to return to the classroom in some manner by the end of the first quarter. The Governor also provided an update on the upcoming election. The Governor reviewed the state’s current COVID-19 statistics. The state has entered into a contract with Exposure Notifications Express, a app product of Google and Apple, that will help the state notify persons of possible exposure. Secretary of Commerce Kelley Schulz provided a brief update on the state’s economic recovery; MedChi will continue to monitor and share announcements from the Hogan administration to ensure that you have the information you need; Check out this week's MedChi News, our digital newsletter for MedChi members; The latest issue of Maryland Medicine, our magazine, is out now on digital platforms and available to all physicians; Last week, the Montgomery County Medical Society presented a program on COVID-19 staffing in collaboration with the law firm of Paley Rothman.
August 2020 Archives
- COVID Special Alert Email - August 27
Outline of Governor Hogan’s announcement regarding school reopening plans.
- COVID Update Email - August 26
The Physicians Foundation is assessing physician well-being in the face of COVID-19. We strongly encourage you to complete this 3-minute survey to ensure that policymakers, legislators, the public, and the media hear the physician's voice in this challenging time; Check out this week's MedChi News, our digital newsletter for MedChi members; Are you on social media? If so, we encourage you to join these campaigns: AMA #MaskUp campaign, CDC #FightFlu campaign, HHS #CatchUpGetAhead campaign; Maryland Department of Health has extended the time frame for requests by Medicaid providers to file appeals under COMAR until 30 days after Maryland's COVID-19 state of emergency ends; HHS issued a vaccination planning update for state and local public health programs; AMA is advocating for the FDA to ensure that physicians are included in the COVID-19 vaccination development and deployment process; We are aware of several services for physicians and other health care providers who would be interested in stress relief services during the time of the pandemic. The Physician Support Line was launched on March 30 to provide free counseling to doctors facing challenges during the pandemic.
- COVID Update Email - August 19
The Physicians Foundation is assessing physician well-being in the face of COVID-19. We strongly encourage you to complete this 3-minute survey to ensure that policymakers, legislators, the public, and the media hear the physician's voice in this challenging time; A national survey of the pandemic's effects on physicians survey summary; MedChi's Telehealth Billing and Coding Guidelines updated; American Medical Association shared comprehensive SARS-CoV-2 Diagnostic Testing Considerations for physicians and for the general public; Maryland Board of Physicians extended its physician license renewal deadline from its original date of September 30 to "the 30th day after the date by which the state of emergency is terminated and the catastrophic health emergency is rescinded."; Check out this week's MedChi News; We are aware of several services for physicians and other health care providers who would be interested in stress relief services during the time of the pandemic. The Physician Support Line was launched on March 30 to provide free counseling to doctors facing challenges during the pandemic.
- COVID Update Email - August 14
AMA launched a physician advocacy campaign to urge Congress to pass new COVID-19 relief legislation; Maryland Department of Health collaborating with 13 Maryland hospitals to conduct an antibody (serology) study to determine how many Marylanders have been exposed to COVID-19; AMA is advocating for the Administration to immediately address Medicare Accelerated and Advance Payment Program issues with an executive order; Department of Health and Human Services step-by-step guide to applying for Provider Relief Funds; We are aware of several services for physicians and other health care providers who would be interested in stress relief services during the time of the pandemic. The Physician Support Line was launched on March 30 to provide free counseling to doctors facing challenges during the pandemic.
- COVID Update Email - August 12
This week's MedChi News included several updates on COVID-19 testing, educational events, and resources. We are sharing this member resource with all physicians during this public health crisis; We are aware of several services for physicians and other health care providers who would be interested in stress relief services during the time of the pandemic. The Physician Support Line was launched on March 30 to provide free counseling to doctors facing challenges during the pandemic.
- COVID Update Email - August 7
Maryland Department of Health issued revised health care matters order; Organizations who are performing point-of-care COVID-19 testing are required to report results to the Maryland Department of Health through CRISP if they do not have access to an existing mechanism for reporting; Bipartisan legislation has been introduced in the US Senate to allow any licensed health care practitioner in good standing to provide health services anywhere for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic; The proposed rule for the Medicare 2021 physician fee schedule was released this week, and the AMA has shared a preliminary summary of key points; We are aware of several services for physicians and other health care providers who would be interested in stress relief services during the time of the pandemic. The Physician Support Line was launched on March 30 to provide free counseling to doctors facing challenges during the pandemic.
- COVID Update Email - August 5
Please complete the AMA's survey on pain management and COVID-19; In this week's MedChi News, we shared updates of Governor Hogan's latest coronavirus mitigation efforts; Maryland Matters opinion piece of the importance of telehealth access for patients facing mental health and addiction struggles during the pandemic and beyond; HHS announced an application deadline extension for the Phase 2 general distribution to August 28 and announced plans to reopen the portal for certain Medicare Providers; We are aware of several services for physicians and other health care providers who would be interested in stress relief services during the time of the pandemic. The Physician Support Line was launched on March 30 to provide free counseling to doctors facing challenges during the pandemic.
July 2020 Archives
- COVID Update Email - July 31
Please complete the AMA's survey on pain management and COVID-19; Congress is currently considering the next round of coronavirus legislation as the nation continues to struggle with the pandemic. MedChi and the American Medical Association are urging Congress to expand Medicare accelerated and advanced payments; address Medicare and Medicaid payment policy; include direct financial support to help sustain physician practices through the COVID-19 crisis; permanently lift the geographic and site restrictions on telehealth technologies; institute broader liability protection for physicians and clinicians as they continue their front-line fight against COVID-19; and provide federal assistance for the purchase of PPE, CMS and CDC have announced that payment is available for counseling patients about the importance of self-isolation after they are tested and prior to the onset of symptoms; Governor Hogan appointed Jinlene Chan, MD, as MDH's Acting Deputy Secretary of Public Health along with other changes in MDH's public health senior leadership; We are aware of several services for physicians and other health care providers who would be interested in stress relief services during the time of the pandemic. The Physician Support Line was launched on March 30 to provide free counseling to doctors facing challenges during the pandemic.
- COVID Update Email - July 29
HHS has again extended its COVID-19 emergency declaration; As a result of the public health emergency extension,some telehealth payment policies have been altered; The Maryland medical community is mourning the death of Joseph Costa, MD, a physician who led Mercy's critical care unit. MedChi extends our condolences to Dr. Costa's family; At MedChi's request, MDH developed a written summary of guidelines for managing health care workers exposed to COVID-19; This week's MedChi News highlighted some of MedChi's advocacy efforts and resources for addressing COVID-19; We are aware of several services for physicians and other health care providers who would be interested in stress relief services during the time of the pandemic. The Physician Support Line was launched on March 30 to provide free counseling to doctors facing challenges during the pandemic.
- COVID Update Email - July 24
The Physicians Foundation is surveying physicians to learn how they are affected by and responding to the coronavirus pandemic; National medical associations are collaborating on a survey that focuses on the challenges of providing substance use disorder care during the pandemic. If you are a physician with a DEA DATA-2000 "x-waiver" to prescribe buprenorphine, please contribute your experiences to this survey; The AMA shared a collaborative telehealth impact survey to identify the challenges, barriers and benefits of telehealth implementation for physicians; MedChi is advocating for liability protections for healthcare workers; HHS summarized the reporting requirements for Provider Relief Fund recipients; We are aware of several services for physicians and other health care providers who would be interested in stress relief services during the time of the pandemic. The Physician Support Line was launched on March 30 to provide free counseling to doctors facing challenges during the pandemic.
- COVID Update Email - July 22
The Physicians Foundation is surveying physicians to learn how they are affected by and responding to the coronavirus pandemic; National medical associations are collaborating on a survey that focuses on the challenges of providing substance use disorder care during the pandemic. If you are a physician with a DEA DATA-2000 "x-waiver" to prescribe buprenorphine, please contribute your experiences to this survey; The AMA shared a collaborative telehealth impact survey to identify the challenges, barriers and benefits of telehealth implementation for physicians; HHS extended the deadline for eligible Medicaid and CHIP physicians and organizations to submit information and apply for funding from the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund from July 20 until August 3, 2020; How should medical practices handle healthcare workers who are exposed to COVID-19?; Here is this week's MedChi News, which includes COVID-19 news and other information; Get the latest information on testing sites and procedures throughout the state; MedChi member Ron Elfenbein, MD, discussed healthcare workers' moral injury dilemma amid COVID-19 patient care; Caroline County Health Department is seeking a Health Officers and accepting both physician applicants and non-physician applicants; We are aware of several services for physicians and other health care providers who would be interested in stress relief services during the time of the pandemic. The Physician Support Line was launched on March 30 to provide free counseling to doctors facing challenges during the pandemic.
- COVID Update Email - July 17
The Physicians Foundation is surveying physicians to learn how they are affected by and responding to the coronavirus pandemic; National medical associations are collaborating on a survey that focuses on the challenges of providing substance use disorder care during the pandemic. If you are a physician with a DEA DATA-2000 "x-waiver" to prescribe buprenorphine, please contribute your experiences to this survey; AMA has shared a collaborative telehealth impact survey to identify the challenges, barriers and benefits of telehealth implementation for physicians; What you need to know about the healthcare worker contract tracing plan that Maryland is developing; A coalition of Maryland experts shared recommendations for delivering behavioral health and substance use disorder treatment via telehealth; We are aware of several services for physicians and other health care providers who would be interested in stress relief services during the time of the pandemic. The Physician Support Line was launched on March 30 to provide free counseling to doctors facing challenges during the pandemic.
- COVID Update Email - July 15
The Physicians Foundation is surveying physicians to learn how they are affected by and responding to the coronavirus pandemic; National medical associations are collaborating on a survey that focuses on the challenges of providing substance use disorder care during the pandemic; Maryland Department of Health updated summary on contract tracing for health practitioners; This week's MedChi News features more COVID-19 news and other information and resources; We are aware of several services for physicians and other health care providers who would be interested in stress relief services during the time of the pandemic. The Physician Support Line was launched on March 30 to provide free counseling to doctors facing challenges during the pandemic.
- COVID Update Email - July 10
The Physicians Foundation sent a survey to over 700,000 physicians to learn how the coronavirus pandemic is affecting the practice plans and perspectives of our fellow doctors. Results of the survey will be shared with policy makers, legislators, the public, the media, and you, to ensure the physicians’ voice is heard; MedChi CEO, Gene Ransom, wrote a letter to the Maryland Delegation and Senators Cardin and Van Hollen urging them to work with colleagues to include narrowly tailored liability protections for healthcare facilities into the final version of COVID-19 Phase IV legislation; For COVID-19 testing in Maryland, including updates on this week's testing availability, visit the Maryland Department of Health's testing website; We are aware of several services for physicians and other health care providers who would be interested in stress relief services during the time of the pandemic. The Physician Support Line was launched on March 30 to provide free counseling to doctors facing challenges during the pandemic.
- COVID Update Email - July 8
Physicians Foundation sent a survey to over 700,000 physicians to learn how the coronavirus pandemic is affecting the practice plans and perspectives of our fellow doctors. Results of the survey will be shared with policy makers, legislators, the public, the media, and you, to ensure the physicians’ voice is heard; For COVID-19 testing in Maryland, including updates on this week's testing availability, visit the Maryland Department of Health's testing website; We are aware of several services for physicians and other health care providers who would be interested in stress relief services during the time of the pandemic. The Physician Support Line was launched on March 30 to provide free counseling to doctors facing challenges during the pandemic.
- COVID Update Email - July 1
Catch up on the latest news (both COVID- and non-COVID-related) in this week's MedChi News. MedChi members will continue to receive this newsletter directly in your inboxes on Mondays as we shift to a Wednesday-Friday schedule for our COVID-19 updates; Information in local papers on contact tracing and health insurance exchange special enrollment; Can a medical practice charge patients an extra fee for PPE? The answer is usually no (informational video link); Johns Hopkins is hiring COVID-19 hospitalists; AMA wrote letters to Vice President Pence and the Federal Emergency Management Agency urging immediate action to address ongoing PPE shortage and access issues in ambulatory settings; For COVID-19 testing in Maryland, including updates on this week's testing availability, visit the Maryland Department of Health's testing website; We are aware of several services for physicians and other health care providers who would be interested in stress relief services during the time of the pandemic. The Physician Support Line was launched on March 30 to provide free counseling to doctors facing challenges during the pandemic.
June 2020 Archives
- Legislative Action Alert - June 30
MedChi is advocating for you by urging Governor Larry Hogan, Comptroller Peter Franchot, and Treasurer Nancy Kopp to reject a recommendation to limit funding for physician Medicaid E&M rates to 90% of Medicare beginning January 1, 2021.
- COVID Update Email - June 29
CMS announced physicians will have the option to opt-out completely or partially from the 2020 MIPS program by completing a hardship exemption application and indicating it is due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency; Governor Larry Hogan shared sincere and touching video expressing gratitude for Maryland's health care heroes; Baltimore Sun discussed MedChi's advocacy on ensuring telehealth payments from CareFirst, Maryland's largest insurer; AMA devoting each Monday of the AMA COVID-19 Update to a look at the key facts and trends of the COVID-19 pandemic, featuring AMA’s Chief Health and Science Officer, Dr. Mira Irons; We are aware of several services for physicians and other health care providers who would be interested in stress relief services during the time of the pandemic. The Physician Support Line was launched on March 30 to provide free counseling to doctors facing challenges during the pandemic; MedChi wants to learn more about who and how many physicians have experienced a business interruption insurance claim denials; Keep sending us your photos for our #MaskUpMonday social media campaign to encourage everyone to wear masks in public.
- COVID Update Email - June 24
Information on the Maryland Health Connection special COVID-19 enrollment period; Read through this week's MedChi News email newsletter, in which we focused on the economic health of practices in Maryland; Governor Hogan is encouraging all primary care physicians and practitioners to test their patients for COVID-19 in support of the long-term statewide testing program. To support this important initiative, the Maryland Primary Care Program is asking all participating practices to indicate their willingness and ability to test patients for COVID-19. If you are in the MDPCP, please complete this brief, two-question survey;MedChi has heard about business interruption insurance claim denials and we want to help these physicians and other health professionals.
- COVID Update Email - June 22
Merritt Hawkins shared survey results on Physicians and COVID-19; HHS hosting two webcasts for physicians and other health care professionals who are interested in learning more about the application process for the CARES Act Provider Relief Funds; Gene Ransom was on WBAL Radio discussing hospitals and doctors facing financial challenges during the outbreak of COVID-19; AMA and CDC collaborating on infection prevention and control training initiative for front line health care personnel, complete this 10-minute survey on infection prevention and control training interests, needs, and preferences; We are aware of several services for physicians and other health care providers who would be interested in stress relief services during the time of the pandemic. The Physician Support Line was launched on March 30 to provide free counseling to doctors facing challenges during the pandemic; MedChi wants to learn more about who and how many physicians have experienced a business interruption insurance claim denials; Keep sending us your photos for our #MaskUpMonday social media campaign to encourage everyone to wear masks in public.
- COVID Update Email - June 17
MDH opening coronavirus testing at Baltimore Convention Center today; FDA revoked emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine; As of June 15, Maryland's positivity rate has dropped to 6.55% and ICU bed use has dropped below 300 for the first time in 10 weeks; MDH updated overview of Medicaid telehealth flexibilities; HHS summary of CARES Act Provider Relief Fund Distributions; The Baltimore Sun shared our op-ed advocating for loan forgiveness for hospitals and physicians; The AMA and CDC are collaborating on infection prevention and control training initiative for front line health care personnel; Physician Support Line was launched on March 30 to provide free counseling to doctors facing challenges during the pandemic; MedChi has heard about business interruption insurance claim denials and we want to help these physicians and other health professionals; Keep sending us your photos for our #MaskUpMonday social media campaign to encourage everyone to wear masks in public.
- COVID Update Email - June 15
Maryland's Attorney General has alerted dental associations that surcharges for infection control measures could be a violation of consumer protection regulations; A national Physician Support Line staffed by volunteer psychiatrists provides confidential, no-cost peer support and counseling to doctors facing challenges during the pandemic; Do you have questions about applying for the CARES Act Medicaid funds? This video might be helpful; MedChi is advocating for forgiveness of advanced payment Medicare loans; MedChi has heard from several physician practices about business interruption insurance claim denials. We want to help these physicians and other health professionals. We hope to provide you with direct assistance, referrals, or other support; Keep sending us your photos for our #MaskUpMonday social media campaign to encourage everyone to wear masks in public.
- COVID Update Email - June 10
MedChi and the AMA have collaborated on a 10-minute survey to assess the needs of physicians in addressing COVID-19. The deadline is today, June 10; HHS announced an enhanced provider portal and relief fund payments for safety net hospitals, Medicaid, and CHIP; MedChi working to address the health disparities that have been starkly and disturbingly revealed by the pandemic. I created a brief video to address COVID-related disparities and other health disparities in Maryland; MedChi has heard from several physician practices about business interruption insurance claim denials and we want to help these physicians and other health professionals; We have joined the AMA's coalition of medical associations to ask Congress to provide limited liability protections for physicians during the pandemic; Keep sending us your photos for our #MaskUpMonday social media campaign to encourage everyone to wear masks in public.
- COVID Update Email - June 9
The federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) today announced the release of additional CARES Act Provider Relief funds for Medicaid and CHIP.
- COVID Update Email - June 8
MedChi and the AMA collaborated on a 10-minute survey to assess the needs of physicians in addressing COVID-19. We strongly encourage you to complete the survey; Gene Ransom collaborated with Amy Thomas from Proximal, LLC on a video about remote work and accounts receivable considerations as medical practices are reopening; AMA continuing to advocate for support for physicians by communicating directly with Senate leadership and the Vice President; AMA held a virtual inauguration for Susan Bailey, MD; Keep sending us your photos for our #MaskUpMonday social media campaign to encourage everyone to wear masks in public.
- COVID Update Email - June 3
MedChi and AMA collaborated on a 10-minute survey to assess the needs of physicians in addressing COVID-19. We strongly encourage you to complete the survey; MedChi statement calling for action to address the public health crisis of racism, a crisis that has been starkly highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic; Keep sending photos for our #MaskUpMonday social media campaign to encourage everyone to wear masks in public; AMA message regarding HHS CARES Act Provider Relief Fund disbursement deadlines.
- COVID Update Email - June 1
MedChi and AMA collaborated on a 10-minute survey to assess the needs of physicians in addressing COVID-19. We strongly encourage you to complete the survey; the results will directly impact how we serve as your resource and your advocate during this pandemic; Keep sending photos for our #MaskUpMonday social media campaign to encourage everyone to wear masks in public.
May 2020 Archives
- COVID Update Email - May 28
Maryland Primary Care Program open for new applicants; CDC updated guidelines on antibody testing which aligns more closely with the AMA's guidelines; MedChi advocating for advance loan repayment forgiveness; AMA advocating for liability relief legislation for those who are contributing to our recovery from this pandemic; Keep sending us your photos for our #MaskUpMonday social media campaign to encourage everyone to wear masks in public.
- COVID Update Email - May 27
MedChi launching social media campaign to encourage everyone to wear masks in public. Please send a selfie or other photo of you, your family, and/or your colleagues wearing masks and tell us who you are "masking up" for (your patients, your family, an at-risk friend, etc). Let's share with the public why physicians encourage and participate in universal masking during this pandemic; MedChi updated Telehealth Billing and Coding Guidelines; UMD School of Medicine seeking volunteers for COVID-19 vaccine and PEP studies.
- COVID Update Email - May 21
MedChi updated telehealth billing and coding guidelines; Maryland Department of Health stressing the importance of keeping children's vaccinations up to date during the pandemic; HHS updated set of FAQs on CARES Act Provider Relief Fund disbursements.
- COVID Update Email - May 20
MedChi has collected resources for acquiring PPE for health care facilities that are resuming operations. Note: MedChi has done some vetting of these resources, but we urge all practices to do their own due diligence on researching their options. Some companies are providing discounts to our members but we are not receiving royalties; Governor Hogan announced expansion of coronavirus testing to include asymptomatic, appointment-free testing availability; CDC compendium of initiatives, guidelines, and resources for reopening; AMA patient screening script to help practices safely and sensitively navigate the complexities of pre-screening patients before office visits.
- COVID Update Email - May 18
Resources for acquiring PPE and sanitation services for your practices. MedChi has vetted these services to the best of our ability, but each practice should practice due diligence in researching each company. MedChi does not have formal agreement with any of these companies; Maryland Association of Counties summary of Maryland's reopening status by county; AMA guidance on Serological Testing for SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies.
- COVID Update Email - May 14
Governor Hogan announced Maryland's stay-at-home order will be lifted as of Friday, May 15 at 5pm (Baltimore City and Baltimore County to continue stay-at-home orders; Carroll County to lift the order on Friday; Frederick County still evaluating options; Montgomery County to continue its stay-at-home order; Prince George's County extended stay-at-home order to June 1); Reopening Toolkit; The Small Business Administration guidelines on the Paycheck Protection Program; Fact sheet about Maryland Health Connection's coronavirus emergency special enrollment period; CMS issued a COVID-19 Best Practices Toolkit for Nursing Homes.
- COVID Update Email - May 13
CMS summary of blanket waivers for health care practitioners and facilities; Short video explaining how physicians and facilities should address payments for coronavirus testing; Maryland Insurance Administration video on appealing health care decisions that your patients might find helpful.
- COVID Update Email - May 11
Resources for reopening your practice; MedChi Insurance Agency can evaluate your insurance plans to ensure you have the protection, flexibility, and support you need as you reopen your practice; Montgomery County Medical Society Practice Reopening Toolkit; MedChi resources on Payroll Protection Program; HHS extended the attestation deadline for CARES Act Provider Relief Fund disbursements; Editorial and petition on universal masking mandates; MedChi and Maryland Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics ask state for help in ensuring the viability of practices by pressing federal government for Medicaid advance payments.
- COVID Update Email - May 7
Focuses primarily on clarifications and resources for the resumption of non-emergency care and elective procedures in Maryland.
- COVID Special Alert Email - May 6, 2020
Gov Hogan Announces Resumption of Non-Emergent Care.
- COVID Update Email - May 6, 2020
Maryland Department of Health guidelines for pediatric well visits and preventative care; AMA advocating for international medical graduates to be exempt from immigration bans; The University of Maryland School of Medicine Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health exploring post-exposure prophylaxis.
- COVID Update Email - May 4, 2020
MedChi's efforts to increase tort protections during the pandemic; resumption of elective medical procedures; applying for payments for treatment of COVID-19 for uninsured patients; CMS changes to support the health care system.
April 2020 Archives
- COVID Update Email - April 30, 2020
Ron Elfenbein, MD, YouTube video to answer kids' questions about COVID-19; HHS summary of how they will provide payments to physicians and facilities for COVID-19 testing and treatment for uninsured individuals; AMA guide to COVID-19 prior authorization policies; MedChi asking HHS and CMS to clarify that audio-only health services will satisfy risk adjustment requirements.
- COVID Update Email - April 29, 2020
Key information about telehealth grant collaborations for MedChi, MHCC, CareFirst, and DrFirst Backline; MedChi urging for national mandate on facial masks and covering; AMA urging CMS to reconsider the decision to not accept new Advance Payment Program applications and reevaluate all pending applications in light of direct payments that were made via HHS' CARES Act Provider Relief Fund; AMA communicates urgent need to stabilize and strengthen health care coverage.
- COVID Update Email - April 28, 2020
Physician advance payment from CMS and General Distribution Portal.
- COVID Update Email - April 27, 2020
Brief video on FAQs about grant opportunities; Mid-Atlantic Medical Societies Coalition calling for protections for health professionals; CMS will not be accepting new Advance Payment Program applications and will reevaluate all pending applications in light of direct payments that were made via HHS' CARES Act Provider Relief Fund; HHS FAQs on second disbursement of CARES Act Provider Relief Funds; AMA working to find clarification on conflicting information on whether providers who didn't receive funds from the first disbursement can apply for the second disbursement; Battelle providing critical care decontamination services at no charge.
- COVID Update Email - April 25, 2020
Maryland Health Care Commission - $500 grant and complimentary consulting services for telehealth; CareFirst - $300 grant to equip physicians with DrFirst's Backline telehealth platform, Governor Hogan announced Maryland has outlined a Roadmap to Recovery plan.
- COVID Update Email - April 23, 2020
Sam Malhortra appointmented to Maryland's Health Services Cost Review Commission; "Coronavirus Hits One in Five US Doctors with Pay Cut" survey conducted by Merritt Hawkins; HHS additional information on the $100 billions CARES Act Provider Relief Fund; MDH digital booklet of COVID-19 FAQs; CMS blanket waivers for health care providers; MedChi working to survey physicians and practice managers on the impact of COVID-19 on medical practices.
- COVID Update Email - April 22, 2020
AMA asking National Governors Association to support protections for physicians as the workforce expands in response to the pandemic.
- COVID Update Email - April 20, 2020
CMS recommendations for re-opening health care systems in areas with low incidence of COVID-19.
- COVID Update Email - April 16, 2020
MedChi formed a coalition of health groups requesting additional immunity protections for health care facilities, health carriers, health care professionals, and physicians; MedChi developed an overview of the HHS Fund Disbursement to help answer your questions; Call on Congress to enact additional protections and support for physicians and health care facilities; New COVID-19 testing clinic opens today at the Maryland State Fairgrounds; COVID-19 impact surveys for physicians and practice managers.
- COVID Update Email - April 15, 2020
CMS summary of emergency declaration blanket waivers; Maryland's congressional delegation urging HHS to ensure that all health care facilities impacted by COVID-19 are beneficiaries of the federal fund disbursement and that the fund disbursement is conducted with maximum transparency; DEA released two letters explaining regulatory exceptions for DEA-registered hospitals and clinics; Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission update on temporary certification practices that are permissible during the public health emergency.
- COVID Update Email - April 13, 2020
UnitedHealth Group announces accelerated payments; Merritt Hawkins working on a national survey to determine how physicians are being affected by and responding to COVID-19; CMS summary of regulatory flexibilities that have been enacted to support health care providers; Maryland Medical Group Management Association holding two informative webinars this week; FutureCare seeking RNs, LPNs, GNA/CNA/PCT aides, medical assistants, and EVS workers for immediate hire.
- CareFirst Announces Accelerates Payment Program in Response to Pandemic - April 11, 2020
- Special COVID Update Email - Special Notice of CARES Act Fund Disbursement to Health Care Providers - April 10, 2020
- COVID Update Email - April 9, 2020
Medical Mutual reducing premiums and extending payment dates; MedChi President, Michele Manahan, MD, leading weekly calls with Mid-Atlantic area medical society presidents and staff to ensure that Maryland is staying closely connected to our neighbors as we advocate for physicians and patients; Rrapid implementation of telehealth op-ed piece; University of Maryland Medical System One UMMS Emergency Staffing Pool; AMN Healthcare/Merritt Hawkins rapid response resources for crisis staffing and facility management; Maryland Department of Health short public service announcement videos on coping with stress, anxiety, and depression during this public health crisis.
- COVID Update Email - April 8, 2020
MedChi urging Governor Hogan to provide additional funding for physician practices; MedChi requested Maryland Primary Care Program release funds to help physicians maintain their employees, MedChi asked Maryland Board of Physicians to suspend the prohibition against a dispensing physician mailing a patient's medication to their home, MedChi requests HHS provide one month of revenue to each physician, nurse practitioner, and physician assistant enrolled in Medicare or Medicaid; CMS summary of actions they have taken to ensure clinicians have maximum flexibility to reduce unnecessary barriers to providing patient care.
- COVID Update Email - April 6, 2020
Federal and state financial assistance programs being implemented; Maryland Department of Health updated Emergency PPE Request Form; Maryland Primary Care Program updated Primary Care Resource Guide for COVID-19.
- COVID Update Email - April 3, 2020
Johns Hopkins and University of Maryland working to develop Alternative Care Site at Baltimore Convention Center for post-acute treatment for COVID-19 patients; Federal and state business assistance programs being implemented; MedChi overview of federal payroll protection programs, disaster grants, and loans; MedChi applauded Governor Hogan's actions on telehealth expansion and clarification.
- COVID Update Email - April 2, 2020
Governor Hogan issued updated telehealth executive order providing more guidance and clarification; DEA guidelines providing increased flexibility to physicians managing patients with opioid use disorder; Clinicians interested in volunteering to help during this crisis should visit the state's Maryland Responds website.
- COVID Update Email - April 1, 2020
Schwartz, Metz & Wise, PA, informative memo with details and resources for small businesses; U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business & Entrepreneurship Small Business Owner's Guide to the CARES Act; U.S. Small Business Administration list of lenders in Maryland; Comprehensive information on requirements, responses, and relief for businesses in Maryland; AMA summary of health care highlights from the federal CARES act.
March 2020 Archives
- COVID Update Email - March 30, 2020
CMS announced expansion of its accelerated and advance payment program to ensure that practices have the resources needed to address the coronavirus pandemic; Maryland Department of Health working closely with Maryland Emergency Management Agency on procedures for PPE procurement; Medical Mutual Liability Insurance Society of Maryland coverage and operations update; AMA summary of health care highlights from the federal CARES act; Department of Defense clinical guidelines for COVID-19 care; Maryland Department of Health and Maryland Board of Physicians joint notice regarding inappropriate prescribing activity related to Chloroquine, Hydroxychloroquine, and Azithromycin for COVID-19; MedChi coronavirus resource center includes a human resources section featuring an essential employee transportation and child care sample letter and more.
- COVID Update Email - March 26, 2020
Governor Hogan announced additional state loans and grants; COVID-19 Emergency Relief $50M Grant Fund offers working capital to assist Maryland small businesses and nonprofits with disrupted operations due to COVID-19; Maryland Department of Health checklist and resource guide for primary care physicians to help work through various issues in addressing patient care, billing, and more; University of Maryland requesting donations of N95 masks, surgical masks, goggles, face shields, and disinfectant supplies from medical practices in the area.
- COVID Update Email - March 25, 2020
MedChi sends letter to Maryland Department of Health requesting clarity on the Department's Directive and Order and expressing concerns regarding a variety of key issues; MedChi asked Maryland Board of Physicians to waive mail order prohibitions for physician dispensing; AMA, AHA, and ANA issued open letter urging citizens to stay home; Maryland Department of Health flow chart providing guidance on surgical procedures; AMA special coding advice and resources related to COVID-19.
- COVID Update Email - March 24, 2020
Maryland Health Department stops all elective medical visits and procedures; Medical practices that are forced to close can find business and financial relief resources here; HHS telemedicine FAQs; Governor Hogan activated the Maryland Responds Medical Reserve Corps for trained medical volunteers; Favorite Healthcare Staffing, one of the largest natural disaster response agencies in the country, can supply a large amount (100+) of RN, LPN, NP/PA and Direct Care Staff within 24-48 hours.
- COVID Update Email - March 23, 2020
Maryland Board of Physicians FAQs and Notice from the Executive Director in response to Governor Hogan's Executive Order on Healthcare Matters; CMS providing quality reporting requirement relief to physicians and has shared new Trump Administration checklists and tools for Medicaid and CHIP; CareFirst resource center for billing, telemedicine, and benefit updates; Update from CRISP: COVID-19 Project Updates.
- COVID Update Email - March 18, 2020
Confidential, PHYSICIANS-ONLY list of testing sites has been shared by the Maryland Primary Care Program; MedChi updated Telemedicine FAQs; CMS Virtual Toolkit to help you stay up to date; MedChi hosting CME webinar for clinicians in outpatient offices on handling symptomatic patients in ambulatory care settings.
- COVID Update Email - March 17, 2020
MedChi Telemedicine FAQs; MedChi working with DrFirst to help physicians access their Backline telemedicine platform; MedChi hosting CME webinar for clinicians in outpatient offices on handling symptomatic patients in ambulatory care settings.
- COVID Update Email - March 12, 2020
MedChi developed online resource center that is continuously updated with the latest testing information, protocols, and news about the virus; Maryland Department of Health letter to clinicians and outpatient testing checklist; Telehealth capabilities are being bolstered by MedChi and DrFirst and we have provided the Backline platform to primary care physicians in our CTO.