-You can support Maryland Medical PAC (MMPAC) by making a voluntary contribution online by clicking the 'Donate Now' button below. You may also make a contribution by email to the Maryland Medical PAC or by phone at 410-539-0872. The Maryland Medical PAC thanks you for your support.

Maryland Medical PAC (MMPAC) is MedChi, The Maryland State Medical Society's Political Action Committee. MMPAC provides political education, advocacy, and assists MedChi’s lobbying activity in Annapolis, Maryland. MMPAC’s primary goal is to promote MedChi’s legislative and regulatory agenda. Copies of MMPAC campaign finance reports are filed with the Maryland State Board of Elections in Annapolis, Maryland. Contributions are not limited to the suggested amounts. MedChi will not favor or disadvantage anyone based upon the amounts of or failure to make voluntary MMPAC contributions. Contributions to MMPAC are not tax-deductible as a charitable contribution or as a business expense.
Authority: Maryland Medical PAC (MMPAC). David Hexter, MD, Treasurer.
If you are interested in joining or donating to MMPAC, please contact Kevin Hayes via email or at 410-539-0872 ext. 6001. You can also donate below. Please consider that when you donate through PayPal, MMPAC will be charged a small processing fee of $3.20. Your membership level will be determined by the contribution remaining after the processing fee.
The Maryland Medical PAC (MMPAC) is Maryland physicians’ political action committee. MMPAC provides political education, advocacy, and assists MedChi’s lobbying activity in Washington and Annapolis. MMPAC’s primary goal is to promote MedChi’s legislative and regulatory agenda. Copies of the MMPAC and AMPAC reports are filed with and available for purchase from the Federal Election Commission in Washington, DC. Contributions are not limited to the suggested amount. MedChi will not favor or disadvantage anyone based upon the amounts of or failure to make voluntary PAC contributions. MMPAC contributions are not deductible as a charitable contribution or as a business expense.