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Welcome to MedChi, The Maryland State Medical Society.  
As the statewide professional association for licensed 
physicians, we are dedicated to our mission to serve as 
Maryland's foremost advocate and resource for physicians, 
their patients, and 
public health.

Thursday, February 06, 2025
You are here : About MedChi  >  Organization Structure  >  Sections

Medical Students

President - Cat Choi/Setu Mehta
House of Delegates Legislative Chairs - Preetham Bachina (JHU)/ Celina Thomas (UMSOM)
Education and Empowerment Chair - Ayda Soltanian (UMSOM)
Physician Relations Chair - vacant
Marketing and Recruiting Chairs - Dorothy Wang (JHUSOM)
Historian - Claudia Taccheri (JHUSOM)
Social Chair - Celina Thomas (UMSOM)
Treasurer - Ayda Soltanian (UMSOM)
USUHS Rep – Vacant
Staff: Membership Director

For the latest happenings with this section, click here.

Residents & Fellows

President: Whitney Sturd, M.D.
Recruitment Chair:
Legislative Advocacy Chair:
Recruitment/Social Chair:
Physician/Student Liaison:   
MedChi HOD Delegate: 
MedChi HOD Alternate Delegate: 
MedChi Alternate Delegate to the AMA: 
Staff: Membership Director

For the latest happenings with this section, click here.

Early Career Physicians

Chair: Ben Galper, M.D. 
Staff: Membership Director

International Medical Graduates (IMG)

President: Padmini Ranasinghe, M.D.
Vice President: Sudhir Sekhsaria, M.D.
Treasurer/Secretary: Kalpana Prakasa, M.D.
Members at large to the BOT: Ivan Zama, M.D. and Jagdeep Singh, M.D.
Board of Trustees Representative: Vansant Datta, M.D.

MedChi House of Delegates Representative: Padmini Ranasinghe, M.D.
MedChi House of Delegates Alternative Representative: Anuradha Reddy, M.D.
Staff: Cathy Peters, 443-449-2293

If you have any questions regarding the Sections of MedChi, please contact the Membership Department at 410-539-0872.

1211 Cathedral Street
Baltimore, MD 21201