Medical Students
President - Cat Choi/Setu Mehta
House of Delegates Legislative Chairs - Preetham Bachina (JHU)/ Celina Thomas (UMSOM)
Education and Empowerment Chair - Ayda Soltanian (UMSOM)
Physician Relations Chair - vacant
Marketing and Recruiting Chairs - Dorothy Wang (JHUSOM)
Historian - Claudia Taccheri (JHUSOM)
Social Chair - Celina Thomas (UMSOM)
Treasurer - Ayda Soltanian (UMSOM)
USUHS Rep – Vacant
Staff: Membership Director
For the latest happenings with this section, click here.
Residents & Fellows
President: Whitney Sturd, M.D.
Recruitment Chair:
Legislative Advocacy Chair:
Recruitment/Social Chair:
Physician/Student Liaison:
MedChi HOD Delegate:
MedChi HOD Alternate Delegate:
MedChi Alternate Delegate to the AMA:
Staff: Membership Director
For the latest happenings with this section, click here.
Early Career Physicians
Chair: Ben Galper, M.D.
Staff: Membership Director
International Medical Graduates (IMG)
President: Padmini Ranasinghe, M.D.
Vice President: Sudhir Sekhsaria, M.D.
Treasurer/Secretary: Kalpana Prakasa, M.D.
Members at large to the BOT: Ivan Zama, M.D. and Jagdeep Singh, M.D.
Board of Trustees Representative: Vansant Datta, M.D.
MedChi House of Delegates Representative: Padmini Ranasinghe, M.D.
MedChi House of Delegates Alternative Representative: Anuradha Reddy, M.D.
Staff: Cathy Peters, 443-449-2293
If you have any questions regarding the Sections of MedChi, please contact the Membership Department at 410-539-0872.