Volunteer to serve on a MedChi Committee!
Browse the committee listing to find your special interest in organized medicine. Along the way you will be networking with colleagues and helping to strengthen the organization. Even if you live far from Baltimore, you can still participate. Committee meetings offer conference call capabilities.
- Help us be Your Advocate.
- Help us be Your Resource.
- Volunteer to work on issues that affect Your Profession.
To serve on a council or committee, you must sign MedChi's Conflict of Interest Policy statement. Contact Barbara Fitzgerald with any questions.
2024-2025 MedChi Councils & Committees
The Council on Bylaws is made up of the Bylaws, Rules and Regulations Committee. The committee drafts amendments to the bylaws and the rules of MedChi as needed or as directed by the House of Delegates or Board of Trustees. It reviews, approves, disapproves, or alters amendments submitted to it by the component societies, councils, or House of Delegates. The committee reports all amendments to the bylaws of MedChi to the House of Delegates with the call to session. The committee also serves as an advisory committee on all matters pertaining to the Bylaws and Rules of MedChi. (There is a specific requirement for geographic representation.)
Chair: Gary W. Pushkin, M.D. / Staff: Ashton DeLong, 410-878-9896
Bylaws, Rules & Regulations Committee
Chair: Gary W. Pushkin, M.D. / Staff: Ashton DeLong, 410-878-9896
The function of the Council On Communications shall be to advise and guide the publications and communications efforts of MedChi. The Council shall ensure that MedChi communications are consistent with the policies and strategies of MedChi and shall make recommendations to the Board of Trustees and the Chief Executive Officer of MedChi so as to achieve those goals and otherwise maximize the performance and benefit to MedChi of all the publications and communications of MedChi.
Co-Chairs: Bruce M. Smoller, M.D. and Stephen Rockower, M.D. / Staff: Olivia Ballmann, 410-878-9706
COUNCIL ON IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Empowerment, and Advocacy)
The Council on IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Empowerment, and Advocacy) unites physicians in Maryland to promote inclusion, diversity, equity, and empowerment for all through advocacy in healthcare. The council consists of two committees the IDEA Committee and the Gender Pay Equity Subcommittee.
Chair: Michele Manahan, M.D. / Staff: Hamida Mansaray, 410-878-9599
IDEA Committee
Chair: Michele Manahan, M.D. / Staff: Hamida Mansaray, 410-878-9599
Gender Pay Equity Subcommittee
Chair: Carolyn O'Conor, M.D. / Staff: Hamida Mansaray, 410-878-9599
The MedChi Council on Legislation is made up of the Boards and Commissions Subcommittee, the Health Insurance Subcommittee, and the Public Health Subcommittee. The council and its subcommittees study and decide on MedChi's position on all health-related legislation submitted to the Maryland General Assembly.
Co-Chairs: Clement S. Banda, M.D. and Kathleen D. Keeffe Hough, M.D. / Staff: Ashton DeLong, 410-878-9896, and Hamida Mansaray, 410-878-9599
Boards & Commissions Subcommittee
Vice Chair: Lawrence J. Green, M.D. / Staff: Hamida Mansaray, 410-878-9599, and Steve Wise
Health Insurance Subcommittee
Vice Chair: Anuradha D. Reddy, M.D. / Staff: Hamida Mansaray, 410-878-9599, and Danna Kaufmann
Public Health Subcommittee
Chair: Karen M. Dionesotes, M.D., M.P.H / Staff: Teresa Healey-Conway, 410-878-9704, and Drew Vetter
The Council on Medical Economics provides advocacy services in both the private sector (payers) and the public sector (regulatory). The council is made up of the Payer Relations Committee.
Co-Chairs: James Williams, D.O. and Robin Motter-Mast, D.O. / Staff: Colleen George, 410-878-9698, and Alyssa DiPasquale, 410-878-9689
Payer Relations Committee
Chair: Charles Samorodin, M.D. / Staff: Colleen George, 410-878-9698, and Alyssa DiPasquale, 410-878-9689
The Council on Medical Policy is made up of the Opioid, Pain, and Addiction Committee, Cannabis Committee, Ethics and Judicial Affairs Committee, and Public Health Committee. The Ethics and Judicial Affairs Committee considers questions of medical ethics, especially as they relate to social policy issues, interprofessional relations, hospital relations, confidentiality, advertising, communications with the media, fees and charges, record practice matters and professional rights and responsibilities. The Public Health Committee identifies public health issues of importance and works with MedChi to develop policies and activities that address these issues, in order to enhance the health status of our community. Areas of current concern are access to care, environmental issues, Maternal and Child Health, health promotion and diseases prevention and communicable diseases.
Co-Chairs: Angela Marshall, M.D. and Neal Naff, M.D. / Staff: Ashton DeLong, 410-878-9896
Opioid, Pain, and Addiction Committee
Chair: Joseph Adams, M.D. / Staff: Colleen George, 410-878-9698, and Alyssa DiPasquale, 410-878-9689
Cannabis Committee
Chair: Deondra Asike, M.D. / Staff: Gene Ransom, 410-878-9800, and Barbara Fitzgerald, 410-878-9891
Committee on Ethics and Judicial Affairs
Chair: David Hexter, M.D. / Staff: Hamida Mansaray, 410-878-9599
Public Health Committee
Chair: Karen M. Dionesotes, M.D., M.P.H / Staff: Teresa Healey-Conway, 410-878-9704
The Council on Operations oversees and advises on issues related to the operations of MedChi. The council consists of four committees. The Continuing Medical Education Review Committee (CMERC) provides oversight, review and direction for the MedChi Accredited Provider Programs, which in turn is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME). It provides accreditation, accreditation maintenance, program development, and assistance for continuing medical education programs of various organizations in the state of Maryland and the District of Columbia. The Committee On Scientific Activities (COSA) provides oversight, evaluation, and content validation for the jointly sponsored and directly sponsored CME programs of MedChi. MedChi is accredited by ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The committee reviews all applications for jointly sponsored or directly sponsored CME programs. The Finance Committee advises and counsels the Board of Trustees regarding MedChi's financial investment program and develops a budget for the organization. The chairperson of the committee serves as the Treasurer of MedChi.
Chair: Shruti Aggarwal, M.D. and Karen Dionesotes, M.D. / Staff: Gene Ransom, 410-878-9800
Joint Committee on Continuing Medical Education
Chair: Rob Thomsen, M.D. / Staff: Lorna Della, 410-878-9907
Finance Committee
Chair: Loralie Ma, M.D. / Staff: Frank Scopelitti, 410-878-9905, and Sethu Ram, 410-878-9819
Personnel & Compensation Committee
Chair: Loralie Ma, M.D. / Staff: Debbie Sciabarrasi, 410-878-9890
Looking AHEAD Task Force
Chair: Benjamin Lowentritt, M.D. / Staff: Gene Ransom, 410-878-9800 and Ashton DeLong, 410-878-9896
Childhood Behavioral Health Task Force
Chair: Jim York, M.D. / Staff: Ashton DeLong, 410-878-9896
AI Task Force
Chair: Padmini Ranasinghe, M.D. / Staff: Gene Ransom, 410-878-9800
Membership Task Force
Chair: / Staff: Membership Director
Maryland Medical PAC (MMPAC)
Chair: Stephen Rockower, M.D. (Chair) and David A. Hexter, M.D. (Treasurer) / Staff: Gene Ransom, 410-878-9800, and Hamida Mansaray, 410-878-9599
MedChi Insurance Agency
Chair: Benjamin Stallings, M.D. / Staff: Shelly Brouse, 443-449-2321
Alliance to MedChi
The mission of the Alliance is to partner with physicians to build healthy communities and support the family of medicine. The Alliance is open to spouses of MedChi Member physicians, residents, and medical students.
President: Bud Ranasinghe / Staff: Gene Ransom, 410-878-9800
Chair: / Staff: Gene Ransom, 410-878-9800, and Olivia Simon, 410-878-9709
Formerly the MedChi Foundation, the Center was established in 1976 as an affiliate of MedChi, The Maryland State Medical Society to promote and support the medical society's charitable, public health, and educational activities. These activities help fulfill the medical society's mission to serve as the state's foremost advocate for physicians, their patients, and the public health. Additionally, the Center works with the Alliance to MedChi to collaborate on activities that promote the goals of both organizations and in support of MedChi.
President: Ira Papel, M.D. / Staff: Allan Browder, 410-878-9845
Development Committee
Chair: Stephen Rockower, M.D. / Staff: Allan Browder, 410-878-9845
Finance Committee
Chair: Jos W. Zebley, M.D. / Staff: Allan Browder, 410-878-9845
Grants & Education Committee
Chair: Clement Banda, M.D. / Staff: Allan Browder, 410-878-9845
History of Medicine Committee
Co-Chairs: Allan D. Jensen, M.D., and Loralie Ma, M.D. / Staff: Meg Fairfax Fielding, 410-878-9840
Physician Health Committee
Chair: Daniel Nyhan, M.D. / Staff: Margaret Kroen, 443-449-2294
Physician Health Oversight Committee
Chair: / Staff: Margaret Kroen, 443-449-2294