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Physician Dispensing in Maryland: An Educational Series


For a list of Maryland State Dispensing Regulations, please click here.


The Physician Dispensing Educational Series is a collaboration between MedChi, the Maryland State Medical Society and the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy.


The state of Maryland has mandated that physicians, upon application or renewal of their permit to dispense medications, must attest that they have completed a prescribed number of continuing medical education credits, specific to the practice of dispensing.  As of 2018, all physicians must complete ten Continuing Medical Education units (CMEs) on dispensing within the five years prior to their renewal or application.


MedChi members overwhelming requested the MedChi assist them in addressing this educational need. MedChi, approached the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy to develop a collaborative effort to provide this educational support. This has resulted in MedChi and the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy working collaboratively to develop and deliver educational modules focused on the educational needs related to dispensing education for physicians. The result is the series of modules listed below. This comprehensive series covers all aspects of dispensing in practice. The modules represent 10 CME hours providing physicians a single resource to meet the Maryland requirements.  All have been approved by MedChi for CME.


These modules are available and accessible on the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy’s Training Portal. The portal and the management system has been successful in offering over 200 hours of ACPE programming resulting in over 8,500 hours of accessible evidence-based training to health professionals over the last year.  Paid enrollments in the program will ensure the sustainability and expansion of this Educational Series.  Because of the online nature of the modules, it can reach an unlimited number of physician prescribers. The target population will be identified and reached by MedChi, the CME provider, with supplemental outreach efforts to reach prescribing podiatrists and dentists in Maryland.


See full descriptions of the modules below.


Note: When registering, please select the price appropriate to your status as a member or non-member. If you participate in any activity via a link that is not reflective of your status as a member, we will not be able to issue you a CME certificate when you complete the module.


Not sure of your member status?  Contact us via email.




Joey Mattingly, PharmD, MBA, Instructor

Module Description (1.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™)

The practice of dispensing any medication faces a certain amount of control and regulation, but when that medication is considered a “Controlled Substance” by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the control and regulation is more rigorous.  This module focuses on the complexities of controlled substance laws and regulations as well as other practice nuances that will benefit any clinic considering dispensing these medications.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, the physician prescriber will be able to:

1. Navigate online resources to find specific laws and regulations regarding controlled substances;
2. Differentiate between the schedule classes of controlled substances as defined by the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) and match the dispensing, security, record keeping and DEA forms requirements for each; and
3. Utilize best practices for inventory and maintaining records for inspection.

Deanna Tran, PharmD, BCACP Instructor

Module Description: (1.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™)

Medication Education for Medicare and dual-eligible Medicaid patients is required at the time of dispensing under certain conditions and with certain medications.  This module will acquaint learners with specific requirements for providing medication education, will define and sequence the steps in medication education, and will share best practices.  This activity will provide audiovisual case examples to illustrate the practice of providing medication education.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, the physician prescriber will be able to:

1. Identify the state and federal requirements for patient education during the in-office dispensing process;
2. Correctly identify the components and sequences the steps in delivery of medication education; 
3. When viewing an audiovisual interaction with the patient, list key medication education points to be provided to a patient; and 
4. Recall at minimum two best practices in the medication education process

Deanna Tran, PharmD, BCACP, Instructor

Module Description (1.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™)

This interactive, web-based module details the step-by-step processes for dispensing, labeling, and documentation as required by Maryland law.  Good dispensing practices are illustrated. The module aids the learner to track workflow from medication preparation before dispensing, through dispensing, and post-dispensing record keeping.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, the physician participant should be able to:

1. Correctly sequence 6 steps of the dispensing workflow;
2. Accurately describe 3 good dispensing practices; and
3. Correctly identify the 5 components that are required on the label of any prescription being dispensed.

Fadia T. Shaya, PhD, MPH and Kate Jackson, MPH

Module Description (2.0 AMA PRA Category  1 Credits™)

Dispensing opioids from your practice may provide immediate pain relief for your patients. However, dispensing is also accompanied by restrictions and requirements set out by Maryland state law. Prescribers who are dispensing opioids must login and enter data separately to the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP). While treatment regularly involves assessment of a patient’s acute and/or chronic pain, other opportunities are presented at the point of dispensing. This includes an opportunity to discuss alternatives to opioid therapy, to assess and manage the risk of these therapies, and discussion of treatment agreements. Using interactive technologies, this module will briefly presents key points regarding counseling patients in safe use and processes to prevent diversion. The dispensing criteria for a legal opioid prescription will be reviewed so as to comply with federal law.

This online course includes a free 60 minute interactive module for dispensing physicians offering guidance in opioid dispensing practices. PDMP step-by-step instructions at the point of dispensing is provided.  This course meets the PDMP training requirements of the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, the physician prescriber will be able to:

  1. At the point of dispensing, assess and manage risks for patients who are prescribed medically-necessary opioids;
  2. Educate patients to safely use prescription opioids;
  3. Distinguish between opioid misuse and diversion prevention strategies; and
  4. Properly process prescriptions in the PDMP at the point of dispensing.

Kathleen Pincus, PharmD, BCPS and Charmaine D. Rochester-Eyeguokan, PharmD, CDE, BCPS, BCACP 

Module Description (1.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™)

Motivational interviewing (MI) is a useful tool at the point of dispensing.  MI can address patient's barriers to a medication regimen. Brief interviews can uncover a patient’s desire, need, and reasons for change or ambivalence towards change. This course offers the basic principles and skills of motivational interviewing at the point of dispensing.  Strategies and resources to support complex patient adherence are provided. Realistic case examples and sample dialogue are integrated into the educational module.

Learning Objectives:

At the completion of this activity the physician learner will be able to:

  1. Reflect on how motivational interviewing can be useful at the point of dispensing.
  2. Identify the four (4) skills necessary to implement motivational interviewing.
  3. Select a strategy to address a patient barrier to medication adherence at the point of dispensing.
  4. Identify resources to support complex or non-adherent patients during the dispensing process.

Frank Palumbo, JD, PhD, Instructor

Module Description (1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™)

This module will address the laws relating to a physician’s legal right to dispense prescription drugs, which the physician prescribes to his or her patients.  The requirements and process for obtaining permission from the appropriate state board will be covered.  Through learning exercises and online course presentations, the module will emphasize requirements for labeling, filing, inspections and other laws that previously had been primarily directed toward pharmacies.  Situations where a prescriber can dispense a prescription drug without the necessity of obtaining special permission from his or her state board will be detailed.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, the physician participant should be able to:

1. Identify the location of publicly accessible physician dispensing statute and up-to-date dispensing regulations.

2. Differentiate between the situations where physicians can and cannot dispense drugs under Maryland law.

3. Explain how starter doses, samples, and certain specific medical facilities and clinics are treated under the Maryland Law.

Mona Tsoukleris, PharmD, MS

Module description (2 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™)

At the time of dispensing, health professionals are exposed to patients who are struggling with uncontrolled asthma or poorly controlled COPD.  Caregivers are also seeking better ways to manage this chronic condition.  The online module entitled Optimizing Patient Use of Inhalers and Other Respiratory Devices will equip learners with a practical understanding of devices to deliver drug to the lungs.  Video demonstrations help learners become familiar with how to identify poor inhaler technique and how to coach patients to improve their use of respiratory delivery devices.  Visual displays of numerous devices add to the learner's understanding of the mechanisms and patient use of each type of device.

Learning Objectives:

At the completion of this activity the physician learner will be able to

1. Distinguish between different devices to deliver inhaled medications to patients with obstructive lung disease;
2. Demonstrate for a given device, the steps required for device priming, proper use, and care;
3. Explain key points to cover while counseling patients regarding device use.

  • Click here to join today and get the MedChi member price for these modules.

For more information contact:

Kathleen Dury, MA
Academic Development Specialist
Office of Continuing Education
University of Maryland School of Pharmacy
20 N. Pine Street, Room N422
Baltimore, MD 21201

Jaison Fleming-Smallwood
CME Accreditation Coordinator
MedChi, The Maryland State Medical Society
1211 Cathedral Street
Baltimore, MD 21201

1211 Cathedral Street
Baltimore, MD 21201