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Welcome to MedChi, The Maryland State Medical Society.  
As the statewide professional association for licensed 
physicians, we are dedicated to our mission to serve as 
Maryland's foremost advocate and resource for physicians, 
their patients, and 
public health.

Maryland Insurance Issues on Value-Based Care

Letter to The Honorable Pamela G. Beidle Chair, Senate Finance Committee
Re: SB0834/Ch. 298, HB 1148/Ch. 297(2), 2022 - Health Insurance – Two–Sided Incentive Arrangements and Capitated Payments – Authorization - Mandate Evaluation Report (MSAR #14245).  Click here to read the full letter and report.

Ten Things you Need to Know About Value-Based Care in Maryland
Maryland and MedChi lead the way on value-based care initiatives. Maryland has several state-specific advanced payment models, and we worked hard this session on comprehensive value-based care legislation. But it’s a complicated topic to say the least. Here are ten things you need to know about value-based care in Maryland.  Click here to view the whole list.


Summary of 2022 Maryland Value-Based Care Legislation
This legislation contains the strongest protections for the physician community for those physicians that chose to enter into these arrangements and for those that want to remain fee-for-service, including a provision that states that a carrier may not reduce the fee schedule of a physician who remains fee-for-service and does not participate in a two-sided incentive arrangement.  Click here for a chart illustrating the bill has initially put forth in December 2020 and the bill as passed by the committees.  It is anticipated that the legislation will move through the full General Assembly and that the Governor will sign it.


House Bill 1148 - Health Insurance – Two–Sided Incentive Arrangements and Capitated 3 Payments – Authorization
Click here to view the whole bill.