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Saturday, July 27, 2024
You are here : Your Advocate  >  Advocacy Content  >  Medicare Waiver/Health System Reform
Maryland Medicare Waiver "All Payer Contract" and Health System Reform Resources

Below, you will find sources of information on health system reform and the Medicare waiver.

Medicare Waiver Resources

Resources on Maryland's updated Medicare Waiver (Posted May 7, 2014):

CMS Waiver and New Payment Models in Maryland:

Health System Reform Resources

Advisory Council to the HSCRC:

MedChi Resources on Health System Reform:

Comments to State Agencies Submitted by MedChi, in Conjunction With Several Physician Organizations:

External Web Sites on Health System Reform:

For more information on MedChi's Health System Reform Resources, contact the Law & Advocacy Division.

1211 Cathedral Street
Baltimore, MD 21201