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Welcome to MedChi, The Maryland State Medical Society.  
As the statewide professional association for licensed 
physicians, we are dedicated to our mission to serve as 
Maryland's foremost advocate and resource for physicians, 
their patients, and 
public health.

Friday, July 26, 2024
You are here : Your Resource  >  Continuing Medical Education  >  MedChi Accredited Provider System  >  MAP Responsibilities
MAP Responsibilities
The primary responsibilities of MedChi are to:

  • Set and administer standards and criteria for providers of quality CME for physicians and related professionals,
  • Certify that accredited providers are capable of meeting the requirements of the Essential Areas,
  • Relate CME to medical care and the continuum of medical education,
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of its policies,
  • Assist providers in continually improving their programs, and thereby
  • Assure physicians, the public, and the CME community that CME programs meet the MedChi criteria for compliance with the Essential Areas.

The primary responsibilities of an Accredited Provider are:

  • Abide by the standards and criteria set for providers of quality CME for physicians and related professionals,
  • Maintain compliance with the Essential Areas and Their Elements,
  • Provide CME that is within the establish definition of CME,
  • To seek out new and innovative formats that meet the needs of physicians and delivery high quality, timely CME activities,
  • To work to ensure that CME activities are free from bias and conflict of interest,
  • To strive to provide CME that changes the practice behavior of physicians in directions justified by emerging evidence and, ultimately, to demonstrate that the outcome of patients improve.
For questions or more information about the MAP Systems, contact MedChi.

1211 Cathedral Street
Baltimore, MD 21201